
Memento - The Camera and The Darkroom


CAD & 3D Modeling
Physical Fabrication
3D Printing
Web Server
Unreal Engine


Memento is a camera that captures the sensory feeling of different moments and preserves it in a virtual darkroom. The project consists of a physical camera that captures environmental data via sensors then visualizes it in a 3D space.



The camera is built with a variety of sensors on it (temperature, color, sound, etc) but no image capture ability. When the user takes a picture with it, the camera records the readings from that moment along with 5 seconds of data recordings, sends it to a server, then procedurally generates a virtual scene in Unreal Engine based on a predetermined design system. After a week of photos, a virtual darkroom overlooking an environment opens up in our computer and the user can pick up "photos" the user took. When the user does, the virtual environment will transform into a state informed by the sensor readings and play the associated audio, presenting how the design system recorded that moment of memory.

Full documentation coming soon.



A project by Kevin Peter He & Jung Huh

Camera modeled in Fushion360 and 3D printed
Darkroom created in Unreal Engine